Curriculum Vitae



-Solo exhibition, ‘The Horse Fell off the Poem,’ Ferruzzi Gallery, Venice, Italy


-Solo exhibition at Garden Court Chambers, London, UK.

-Group exhibition at the Capital, NY, USA.

-Group exhibition at Aupuni Space gallery, Hawai’i, USA.

-Group exhibition at Millon, Paris, France.


-Display and auction of ‘Palestinian Family’ painting at Christie’s Auction House, london, UK. - Solo

Exhibition, the Museum of Modern Art, MU.SA Museu das Artes de Sintra, Portugal.

- Solo exhibition, Museo della Città (City Museum), Rimini, Italy

- Solo exhibition, Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Rome, Italy

- Solo exhibition, Omar Suleiman Cultural Center, Naples, Italy

- Solo exhibition, Teatri di Vita, Bologna, Italy

- Art auction organized by the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), New York City, NY, US (one original and four signed prints auctioned)

- Commissioned mural in Bristol, UK entitled “Through a Palestinian Lens,” by Bristol Palestine Film,

UK - Group exhibition, Boughton House, Greenbelt Festival, UK

- Solo exhibition, Artemisia Gallery, Padua, Italy

- Solo exhibition, Barchessa di Villa Concina (Dolo), Venice, Italy

- Solo exhibition, Barchessa di Villa Belvedere (Mirano), Venice, Italy

-2022“My Mother: A Profile of Malak Mattar, June 2021” by Winnie Wong, published in Critical Times (Duke University Press, 2022) 5 (1): 265–274


- Solo virtual exhibition and lecture, Museum of the Palestinian People, Washington, DC, US

- Solo virtual exhibition, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

- Lecture, Yale Art School, New Haven, US

- Lecture, Art and Design Academy, Eindhoven, Netherlands

- Lecture, Institute of Democracy and Education, Boston, US

- Six-month virtual workshop with immigrants, in collaboration with the University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK

- Lecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US

- Group exhibition, ArtPrize USA, Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

- Group exhibition, P21 Gallery, London, UK

- Auction and group exhibition, AlBahie Auction House, Doha, Qatar


- Three-week speaking tour in the Northeastern US with presentations on seven college campuses

(Merrimack College, Smith College, Yale University, Southern Connecticut State University, Manhattan

College, Drew University, UMass Boston) and at several community events in Washington DC, New York City, and Haverhill and Ipswich, MA

- Solo exhibition, “The Eyes of Women,” Cultural House, Freiburg, Germany

- Group exhibition, Museum of the Palestinian People, Washington DC, US

- Group exhibition, Palestine Museum US, Woodbridge, CT, US

- Group exhibition, “Post Colonization,” Eindhoven, Netherlands

- Original painting, “My Skin Is Not a Sin,” selected by the United Nations to represent the issue of inequality


- Solo exhibition, Palestine Museum, US, Woodbridge, CT, US

- Solo exhibition, Jerusalem Fund Gallery, Washington DC, US

- Solo exhibition, The Cultural Center on Columbus Avenue, New York City, NY, US

- Group exhibition, TAC Gallery, Eindhoven, Netherlands

- Group exhibition, Red Rock Chateau, Silverado, CA, US

- Exhibition and reading tour of 9 cities in Switzerland and Germany for the Palestinian nonprofit organization We Are Not Numbers, reading original poems on the 2014 assault on Gaza. -Various exhibition tours for primary school students in Gaza, India, and the US - Group exhibition, The Palestine Expo, London, UK


- Group exhibition, OXO Design Centre in Southbank, London, UK

- Group exhibition, The Green Room, London, UK

- Group exhibition, in support of Palestine Demonstration, London, UK

- Solo exhibition, Greenbelt Annual Festival, London, UK

- Solo exhibition, Palestine Museum for Culture and Art, Bristol, UK

- Group exhibition with fellow Gazan artist organized by the organization Women in War, Fontenay sous-Bois Museum, France

- Group exhibition, Médiathèque de Malakoff, France

- Group exhibition, Town Hall of Paris, France

- Group exhibition, Guray Museum, Cappadocia, Turkey

- Group exhibition with a Turkish artist, Inegol Kent Museum, Bursa, Turkey

- Solo exhibition, Embassy of Palestine, Stockholm, Sweden

- Group exhibition, Palestine Expo Annual Festival, London, UK

- Group exhibition, University of California, San Diego, US

- Group exhibition, Cultural Center of California, US

- Group exhibition, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, US

- Group exhibition, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA, US

- Group exhibition, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Yerba Buena, CA, US

- Santa Monica Pier Art Festival, Santa Monica, CA, US

- Group exhibition, The Palestine Expo, London, UK

- Group Exhibition, ArtPrize USA, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

- Four exhibitions in Sacramento, CA, US


- Solo exhibition, Palestine Museum for Culture and Art, Bristol, UK

- Group exhibition organized by the Rebuilding Alliance, US Capitol Building in Washington, DC, US

-Group exhibition as part of a conference on Gaza and Art in Palestine, University of North Carolina,Durham, NC, US


- Group exhibition, sponsored by the American Consulate, Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem. - Solo exhibition, organized by La Red de Solidaridad con Palestina, UNED Center, Costa Rica

- Solo exhibition, organized by Gaza Tierra y Libertad, Museum of Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain - Group exhibitions, “GAZA51,” held at art institutions in Hyderabad, Lamakaan, Chena, Bangalore,Mumbai, and Delhi, India


- Group exhibition, Al-Qattan Institution for Art and Culture, Gaza, Palestine

- Solo exhibition titled Boats in Journalists House, Gaza, Palestine

- Solo exhibition, the cultural Center of Popular Front, Gaza, Palestine

- Solo exhibition, European Representative Organization for Culture, Gaza, Palestine - Group exhibition organized by the Institution of Palestinian Women, Adam Hotel, Gaza, Palestine

- Solo exhibition, University of Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica

PUBLICATIONS (in which my works appear)

2024 “Palestinian artist Malak Mattar on the ‘most important exhibition of my life’ in Venice.” Arab News, 02 May, 2024.

Schmidt, Sarah. "Companies Fail the Test; Junk Food Marketing Aimed at Kids Faulted." The Gazette [Montreal], 10 Mar. 2010, p. A.11. Canadian Newsstand. 

2022 Women in War

2022 Maintenant 15: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, (New York: Three Rooms Press).

2022 Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman

Lotze (Chicago: Haymarket Books).

2022 Sitti’s Bird: A Gaza Story (2nd edition), illustrated and written by Malak Mattar (Northampton, MA: Crocodile Books, Interlink Publishing).

2022 Featured artwork titled Gaza’s Sky in the New York Times

2021 GQ Middle East (June 2021 issue) featured my painting You and I on the magazine cover and included an article by Nasri Atallah profiling my work.

2021 Témoignages de résilience au féminin: La pandémie de la Méditerranée à l'océan indien

(Testimonies of female resilience: The pandemic from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean), by Carol Mann and Atieh Zadeh (Paris: L’Harmattan).

2021 Sitti’s Bird (an original book illustrated and written by Malak Mattar), (London: Hands Up).

2019 We Are Not Numbers. My painting, The Galaxy, is the cover of the book


B.A., Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey (June 2022)

High School Diploma, Bashir Al-Rayes High School, Gaza, Palestine (June 2017), GPA: 4.0. Received an

award for scoring the highest grade-point average in Gaza in 2017 and the second highest in Palestine.

Featured in

The New Arab. 21st July 2023

The Guardian 5th August 2023

The New York Times review of Sitti’s Bird book. 5th Novomber 2022

It’s Nice That. 1 July 2021. The Art

Newspaper. 7 June 2016.

GQ Middle East. 28 October 2021. And cover feature of June 2021

issue. Vogue Italia. July 2020.

Internazionale. 22 February 2022.


BBC Arabic

BBC English. 17 May 2021. Al-Jazeera.

21 May 2021.

destroyed-homes-after-israel-truce, and 14 May 2021.

France 24. 3 November 2021.

palestinian-artist-malak-mattar-confronts-trauma-of-conflict-in-gaza-through-painting. The National

The Middle East Eye. 5 January 2022. artist-world-remember-homeland.

The National News Arts & Culture. 8 October 2022.

culture/art/2021/07/10/artist-in-focus-malak-mattar-on-feminism-and-the-power-of-art/, and 9

July 2021.


Malala Fund. 20 October 2021.

UNRWA USA. 8 March 2022.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed

Scene Arabia. 1 December 2019. https://scenearabia


The New Arab. 21 August 2018. HyperAllergic. 26 May

2021. trauma-and-war/.

Konbini. 12 October 2021. raconte-la-bande-de-gaza-la-peur-et-la-violence/.

Mondoweis. 3 October 2017.

Arab American Cultural Center. 2021. in-the-space/.